
Miss you guys!

I miss you guys! But i have lots of new friends now at Kathys place and the Celtic Clumbers.

From left: Me, "Flow" (my daugther) and my mum "Via" (Clumbrolds Option).

This is my dad, SugarLoaf Yellowstone, "Stene"...


I miss my "mum" sometimes...

Picture was taken at Crufts in March last year. After showing of... It was great fun and success!

Mr Knott

I´m easy to satisfy and always willing to please...

(pictures taken at Kathys home, were I live right now.thanks Amanda and Vito who took the pictures)

First day on the blogg!

This blogg is created by me, Mr Knott. I´m a clumberspaniel, right now out "backpacking". Hanging around, going to shows and meeting girls ;-)

On this blogg I will show you pictures and tell you stories from my life. So please, come on in every now and then ...

Mr Knott